Cock rings: For pleasure alone?

Cock rings: For pleasure alone?


Penis rings or cock rings are normally used to increase pleasure during sex. But they may have some applications in helping men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Sex is a wonderful expression of love and affection, but it can also be fun and deeply satisfying. If you are looking for a new chapter in erotic pleasure, you should try a cock ring or penis ring for sex.

What is a penis ring?

  • It is a simple ring-like device worn around the base of the penis. Its purpose is to delay ejaculation and prolong the sex act. It is made of latex or soft plastic, and it fits snugly around the base of the penis.
  • When the man is aroused, there is increased blood flow to the penis. This makes the penis harder and ready to penetrate the vagina or anus during sex. The man then ejaculates at the height of sexual excitement.
  • The penis ring delays the flow of blood out of the penis, thus making the erection stay hard and last longer than usual. It helps both partners go on for longer without the man ejaculating quickly.

Is it for pleasure alone?

A cock ring is normally used to intensify pleasure for both partners: he sustains an erection for longer, while she can also take the time to warm up more and achieve a better peno-vaginal orgasm.

However, a penis ring may do much more than just provide more minutes of pleasure in bed. It can actually help the man improve his sexual performance. This is how:

* Premature ejaculation: As the sexual arousal increases, the penis becomes engorged with blood and stiffens. It then begins to rise, preparatory to penetration. If the man is wearing a cock ring before arousal, it will become tighter when the penis is fully engorged with blood. The blood inside the penis becomes ‘trapped’ in the organ and creates a stronger erection. This is helpful for men who suffer from premature ejaculation, since they can sustain the erection for longer than normal.

* Flaccidity during the act:Some men experience flaccidity in the middle of the act. They might be fully aroused and erect at the time of penetration, but the penis may suddenly go soft mid-way during the act. This is frustrating for both partners. However, a penis ring can help with this problem, since it delays orgasm and keeps the penis erect for longer.

How to buy a penis ring

– Check the material. If you are allergic or sensitive to latex, then you should try penis rings in other materials, like silicone or soft plastic.

– It should fit just right. The cock ring is supposed to fit the base of the penis snugly when worn on a flaccid penis. It won’t work if it is too loose, since it will not hold the erection for long. It should not be too tight, since it will hurt the man during sex by making the penis too stiff.

– It should be washable. The penis ring might become grubby with use, and must be washed after every sexual encounter. Make sure that the ring you buy can be washed in soap and water.
