Top 5 Reasons for Hair Fall in Men

Top 5 Reasons for Hair Fall in Men


Hair loss is one of the most common problems both men and women face. According to the American Hair Loss Association, at least two-thirds of men aged 35 and above face hair loss and thinning. Genetics is the main contributor to hair loss in men. However, other factors such as diet, stress, and medication can also contribute to the problem.

Here, we discuss why you are likely to experience hair loss and why you should opt for hair fall solution for men as soon as possible.


Genetics is the primary reason most men go bald while still youths. Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men, mostly in the US. MPB is genetically transferred from one person to the next.

If your family has a baldness history, you are likely to experience MPB as early as 21 years of age. In some cases, hormonal imbalance can also play a significant role in male hair loss. This condition is known as androgenic alopecia and is directly associated with body sensitivity to and rogens.


Some types of medications, such as those linked to cancer treatment, arthritis, high blood pressure, depression, and heart problems, are likely to cause hair loss or baldness in men. Ideally, those undergoing chemotherapy in cancer treatment often lose their hair temporarily.

Stress and shock

Your state of mind plays a significant role in your overall immunity. When you are stressed or shocked, you are more likely to develop hair loss condition. Surgery, fever, flu, and severe emotional shock can result in excessive hair loss that may last a month.

Stress triggers and induces the shedding of hair in men. You are likely to shed between 100 and 150 strands of hair a day when you are stressed. Always consult your doctor when you are stressed, and you are shedding off hair excessively.

Medical condition

Various medical conditions can cause hair loss in men. Thinning, baldness and hair loss is a temporary condition and can be corrected with proper hair restoration. This involves treatment of the underlying medical condition, which may be causing temporary hair loss. Some common medical conditions that may result in hair loss include Alopecia Areata, Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Grave’s Disease, and Lupus.

Diet and Nutrition

What you eat is important to your overall health. In women, diet can play a role in hair loss. However, in men’s case, nutritional deficiencies or lack of minerals and vitamins in your diet can result in thinning and hair loss.

Every man should strive to meet the required dietary allowance (RDA) to prevent hair loss. That means taking foods rich in vitamin B, zinc, iron, and proteins

Another useful supplement for healthy hair growth that you can absorb through food is probiotics. Check out the infographic below to see what probiotics can do for your hair growth!

follicular unit extraction procedure

Infographic provided by MAXIM Hair Restoration, a follicular unit extraction procedure clinic

Final Thoughts

The leading causes of hair loss in men include medical conditions, medication, genetics, diet, and intense stress. When you notice any significant hair loss or baldness, you can always seek medical attention before it’s late. Hair loss in men is a temporary condition that is treatable with the right restorative medication.
