What Equipment Do You Need for Your Newborn Baby?

What Equipment Do You Need for Your Newborn Baby?


Expecting your first baby is a very exciting time. However, it can also be overwhelming, particularly in terms of knowing what equipment is required. There is just so much information out there and new products appearing all the time. It is easy to feel like you need to invest in everything you see. After all, you want your child to have the best. The reality is that you do not need to spend an absolute fortune. There are some items that are considered essential, but others you don’t have to worry about, particularly if your budget does not allow for non-necessities.

A Place to Sleep

A crib and the mattress are absolute necessities for the nursery. Some parents like to also have a bassinet for the first couple of months when their newborn is small. Remember though, your baby will only be able to sleep here for up to six months, or once they reach fifteen pounds in weight.

A baby changing table with or without a bath attached is a nice piece of equipment to have, but not absolutely necessary. You might also like to have a rocking chair for feeding times but again, this is not a necessity.

It is recommended that you buy at least two fitted sheets for the crib and/or bassinet as well as a few thin cotton blankets that you can layer as necessary. Something that you might want to consider to help your baby sleep better at night is a baby wearable blanket from CozeeCoo, the experts when it comes to comfortable swaddles. A swaddle is something that many moms swear by as it helps their baby to enjoy a comfortable sleep without being too restrictive.

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Bathing Your Baby

You will need to purchase either a dedicated baby bath or a bath seat that you can place in your own tub. Hooded towels are recommended, and you will need at least two. A baby grooming set that includes a comb, brush, and nail scissors or clippers is also something worth investing in.

Feeding Equipment

Whether you are breast or formula feeding, you will need some equipment. If you are breastfeeding, you might want a breast pump so that you can extract your milk to allow your partner to share in the feeding experience. If so, you will need some bottles and a sterilizer or some sterilizing tablets. While not necessary, a bottle prep machine is great for formula feeding as it helps to get the milk to the temperature of breast milk. A nursing pillow, nursing bras, and some breast pads will be required for breastfed babies.


A stroller is needed to get your baby about on foot. It is best to buy a stroller that will grow with your baby and one that is easy to manage (preferably one that you can get up and down with minimum fuss). These days, you can invest in a complete travel system that includes a stroller with a car seat attached. This allows you to take the car seat out of the car and clip it to the legs without having to wake the baby.

Other Necessary Items

A baby monitor is considered a must if you live in a big house as it will allow you to keep an eye on baby as you get on with other things. You will also need a changing mat, and a bag or box for diapers, creams and wipes, etc. As baby grows, you will no doubt need other items (such as a highchair for feeding) but this is not necessary in the early days.
